I think everyone has read the articles on the latest Adobe breach and the disclosure of records of users. Of course we are not talking about a small number of users - we are talking 150 Million accounts, 38 Million of them active and 2.9 Million accounts with credit card information. The data that was taken included:
- clear-text email addresses
- hashed passwords
- encrypted credit card information
- clear-text hint lists
It is unknown how well protected the encrypted credit card information is but certainly the clear-text email addresses/usernames and clear-text hint lists create significant threat to users especially when some of the hints were "Same as bank account".
The hashed password list is a significant issue as it appears that these were just hashed - no salt values were used to make the hashed password more complex.
Of course this is not a good situation for Adobe customers or Adobe itself. Even worse for Adobe - this is not the first time this has happened - not even the first time recently. In 2012 the Connect conferencing forum back-end was hacked and a similar data trove taken. In 2012 approximately 150,000 users were exposed. The data taken - clear-text email addresses and MD5 hashed passwords with no salt values used. It was not like this breach was not made public as the purported perpetrator released a screenshot of 230 of the user accounts.
So why has Adobe not fixed their back-end for storing of customer data? Adobe does know that they are a target - these were not the first attacks against Adobe - in the same 2012-2013 period you also had the hack into the signing process that allowed malware to be signed using Adobe credentials and; the theft of source code for Acrobat, Cold Fusion and Photoshop that eventually led to two well known attacks against PR Newswire and the Washington State Court System.
We have talked about the simple processes before - be aware of what you are doing and using in your systems such that when vulnerabilities are being exploited against those same tools and processes you use you can be aware and implement changes to protect yourself. Adobe did not even do this when it was a vulnerability that they had before.
I am not suggesting here that Adobe needs to be put in the corner with the dunce hat on but for users that may have accounts with Adobe learn the lesson that Adobe did not - and rather than exposing yourself to attacks because of password reuse use a methodology of unique passphrases across your essential accounts. If Adobe cannot do anything to protect your data - you certainly can.
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